Raze's Rant - Obama and The Ferguson Fiasco
Let me begin this post with a statement of condolence and a
call for the eventual bringing of justice to the crimes against the people of
Ferguson, Mo. It's a shame and absolutely deplorable what the police are, and
have been, doing in that town to it's citizens and I pray that some social and
political shift is on the near horizon for the sake of it's next and future
With that said....I'm going to say some things that will be
wildly UNPOPULAR among my fellow Black Americans. But, I don't care....
I'm tired of black folks reaching to Negro Jesus aka POTUS
Black aka Nigga Savior Prez aka Barack Obama....for saving. There is currently
a lynching of our President on the internet being carried out by a massive
crowd of....African Americans. Again. Because, once again in Amerikkka, there
is injustice being done to people of color and a vast majority of us black folk
citizens are looking toward Obama to "save us and fix it all". Well,
I've got some bad news for you....
...he's not. And, it's not his job to.
Obama is a black man, yes. This is true...actually, wait.
No, that's not accurate. Obama is a Bi-Racial man. However, in America the One
Drop Rule is forever in effect, so....he's black. But it is NOT his inherited
responsibility to make a statement or acknowledgement of EVERY socially
significant injustice done to a black person in this country. Last I checked,
that was the job description of ambulance chasers like Al Sharpton and
'nem....or better yet, THE PEOPLE.
I've shared these thoughts on a few different web forums and
gotten a...let's say "interesting" bit of colorful feedback. I'd like
to share some of this with you....
"yet he acknowledged Robin Williams death and all
of the school shootings and mass killings of white folks done by white
Look, anyone trying to equate the death of an
entertainer to the potentially political and criminal death of a citizen is too
much of an idiot to even....entertain...or acknowledge. Stop it...that's petty
and completely off scale. Also, there have been shootings at "black" schools too, which Obama HAS publicly spoken on.
"Time for black people to admit they
were got by Obama." "He's the President and this is
the most pressing issue in Black America right now. Tired of hearing this
excuse. If he's not going to speak on our issues, then there was no point
giving him 90%+ of our vote."
Oh, this was a GOOD ONE...
"He's the President and this is the most
pressing issue in Black America right now. Tired of hearing this
excuse. What he COULD do is put some political capitol behind fixing the
fucking system. THERE'S an idea!! Him and the first Black Attorney General.
Both have been disappointments on the highest level. But keep making
excuses, you don't give a sh*t about Blacks apparently."
Yeah....CLEARLY I don't give a sh*t about blacks because I
disagreed with this guy. What a dummy ass reply. I just see the big picture and
apparently voted for Obama for a significantly different reason than many other
black folks did. I believed in his campaign because, instead of claiming to be
a Black Jesus POTUS, he spoke for each individual citizen, regardless of their
race, to take responsibility for the power they hold as a
citizen...particularly black Americans. I care about PEOPLE that are willing to
do for themselves....opposed to sitting around bitching and waiting for someone
to save them. If that means I don't care about black people...I've got a very
lazy, carefree shrug for that assessment.
Let's have some fun for a second...here's a serious question
for all wanting Obama to make a statement -
What do you expect this statement by Obama to accomplish?
Seriously...LOOK AT THIS. Honk for Justice? What is this - The Era of The
Purposeless Picket Sign? When we were at our BEST as a people, I'm talkin bout
black folks now....we picketed and actually AFFECTED THE SYSTEM. We caused loss
of DOLLARS....which caused ACTION; sometimes retaliation action against us, but
we were RESILIENT and continued to PUSH. There was a legitimate cause and
effect to our movements against the system that so diligently and actively had
oppressed us for generations. Now, we just make these virtual posts that
ultimately are just as fleeting to the mind as the last time you saw
a Volkswagen Beetle drive past you on the street.
Obama is like the CEO of a corporation; he doesn't have time for dealing with
the issues in the mail room. He's the fucking CEO - he NEEDS to be making sure
the company makes high level decisions to ensure the company stays afloat.
Pressuring Obama to speak on these issues is misguided. Where is the pressure
on local governments? Where is the pressure being applied at the Aldermanic and
Mayoral level?
And let's not forget one last MAJOR issue - THIS IS ALL
Why the hell would Obama speak up on a situation that quite
frankly, local media, local citizens and local government aren't even entirely
sure what happened? That would be absurd, not only on a Presidential level, but
even a GENERAL CITIZEN LEVEL. Don't speak on things, til you know ALL of the
FACTS. That's like...a major rule of like, LIFE and sh*t.
All of this stuff could come to a head and we may learn
things over the next few months to a year that will lead to our POTUS speaking
on it. But him jumping in now, with the sharks already circling his
administration for pretty much ANYTHING from shooting a basketball to occasionally sitting down to pee (allegedly), would be just as politically suicidal as a
presidential administration turning a blind eye to FBI reports of known terrorist
organizations planning to use commercial airlines as missiles by flying them
into buildings.
Oh....wait. Never mind that.
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