Real Talk With Raze - What If....
What if?
What if, is a question I've often tried to avoid, because
I'm typically a man of science and proof. I believe in what is possessed to
work with and can be utilized to either create, repair or confirm. I am a die-hard fan of logical thought and experience wisdom prevailing over emotional leaps of
theory and conjecture; particularly when people's lives hang in the balance.
It's come to my attention that there is a group of people
who refuse to accept that I did NOT commit the crimes that I was recently found
not guilty and ultimately exonerated of. And that's fine. I came to a
realization about halfway through this mess that, the faith in God that I'd
admittedly been neglecting to embrace as I should have been, taught me that the
only true judge is God. God is the decider of our it positive or
negative (which are both obviously based on perspective)...and it is on us to
own that fate and deal with it. I found solace and comfort, somehow, in the
fact that the only people that I needed to focus on making understand, see and
believe the truth of what happened (and did NOT happen), were the jurors whom
would ultimately decide my fate. So, with all of this said...
....what if?
What if YOU had spent the last 3/4ths of a decade trying to
learn to be the adult you NEEDED to be, for the sake of your family? What if
you gave up job opportunities for the sake of your spouse's schooling? What if
you endeared yourself to a fatherless child, so deeply that you took her on as
YOUR OWN, in spite of feelings of guilt for your biological daughters not
getting the same benefits of day-to-day fatherhood that she would, as your
step-daughter? What if you found out that this now teenage girl, had
psycho-emotional issues and you worked with your wife to get her the help she
most desperately needed, only to have financial burdens force you to stop those
treatments? What if you met someone that you loved so deeply that you went
against every rule in the book and tattooed her name on your ring finger...and
watched as she did the same of you? What if you gave your all to a
relationship, helped motivate your wife and helped her find her inner warrior
of awesomeness in achievement? What if you f*cked up, got caught and almost
lost this woman? What if you prayed so hard and deeply for forgiveness for your
sins, that the Lord compelled this woman to forgive you and HEAR YOU...and
continue to work with you past that...because she believed in what ya'll could
accomplish TOGETHER? What if you'd fought through the struggles of making right,
the mistakes of your much younger self, to eventually have found yourself
EXACTLY where you'd always wanted to be; great careered working professional, friend
to many who was helped and helped himself many times, devoted father and
helplessly in love husband. What if you were financially secure, and less than
2 years away from financial prosperity? What if you.....had it ALL?
What was all taken from you?
What if you woke up one day, having to discipline your step-daughter
by taking away what you know to this point, is the most important "event"
in her young life? What if you cared so much about the importance of this event
to her, that you STILL tried to work with her in some way around the
punishment, so that she could still cared. And being
36yrs old, you weren't that far removed from remembering what your sheltered
teenage life was like? What if you'd spent the last 3 days having an amazing
time with your son and step-daughter, while mom was unfortunately away soaking
up what presumably would be the last extended time she'd spend with her dying
father? What if you considered this man a father and friend and also were
battling your own sadness and borderline depression...because you needed to be
strong for not only the woman you love, but for your children that have always
known and loved this man as their awesome grandfather? What if you leave your
office to pick up your spouse from the airport, and are overcome by the
greatest feeling of COMPLETION you've felt in years? What if that hug, and
those kisses...meant EVERYTHING and made everything...make sense?
What if....after a few hours of bliss, you were vilified. By
the very stepchild that you'd helped raise for 7 the worst way
imaginable? What if you, in the span of 10 words, were forced to see everything
that you and your wife and family had persevered, worked and fought
a lie...? Your home, the promise of the dream house, being able to provide to
your children's college educations, finishing putting your wife through
school...advancing your own career...and by the grace of God, finally landing
at the spot that 10yrs prior, nobody on Earth, other than that wife of yours,
would have ever believed that you were capable of getting to...? What if,
everything you loved was ripped apart and there was nothing you could do to
stop the pain? What if YOU had to watch the maelstrom of emotions, feelings and
thoughts overcome the love of your life? What if YOU could do nothing but sit,
in shock, punch-drunk by the gravity of The Big Picture? What if YOU were
pulled from your desk at work, in cuffs, by police officers who were working
off nothing but an proof....just a
accusation??? What if you were put under arrest and forced to sit for weeks behind
steel and concrete, powerless to say or do anything about what's happening to
you and your family? What if YOU watched it all fall apart....
What if....this were YOU.........and you were INNOCENT?
See, the impulse for almost all of us, whether we're parents
or not, is to protect our children. They ARE the future (pardon the cliche). However,
what happens when en route to protecting our children, we f*ck it all up and
vilify an innocent man? See, THIS is the question that I have wanted many of my
detractors to ask themselves....WHAT IF I DIDN'T DO IT? What if, I'm telling
the truth? Are we so wrapped up in protecting our youth that we are truly
willing to sacrifice the lives of good people on a "just in case"?
The unfortunate fact in all of this mess, is that the only
ones that know the truth of what did or didn't happen that fateful weekend, are
myself, my step-daughter and God. While I truly believe that The Lord has
allowed me to continue my life, so that I can continue to be a positive
provider for my children, my biggest battle isn't rebuilding my career; that
will come. It's not talking about my experience throughout this ordeal; that's
easy because I WANT to speak about it because there's many lessons to be taken
from it for ALL of us to varying degrees. My biggest battle is finding
understanding in The Why. Why did this happen? Why would my daughter cook this
mess up? Why would my wife, tell me with her own mouth, that she "could
and would never believe that (I) would do something like this"...only to
turn around and abandon me, when I need her the most? Why did the people, many
of whom referred to me as "their Brother", turn so easily on me;
believing a falsehood that LITERALLY goes against EVERYTHING that any of them
have EVER known me to be? Why would they all give blind eyes to the actual,
tangible evidence that was presented in the case, which proves on multiple
levels that I didn't do this? Why am I expendable, simply by virtue of being an
adult....? Why would God put us all through this tribulation, only to come out
of it a separated, bitter, confused, angry, hurting mess?
None of those Why's may ever be answered directly. I, my
wife or any of us may ever learn the answers to many or any of these questions,
and because of that, I fight for understanding and closure. I fight to get back
what has been taken, plus change. I do so with love in my heart...because no
matter how any of this plays itself out...I harbor no ill will or loss of love
for anyone on either side of things. Why? Because I've always found my
perspectives to be from a very unique place, and from my perspective...I
UNDERSTAND. It's not right, but I understand. I hope that people out here, can
learn something from this...cautionary tale of sorts, that my life has
temporarily become. I pray that as my life continues, that this tale becomes
one of Love triumphing over despair. Because I still love my wife, our daughter
and what our family had/has the potential to become and achieve. But, first and
foremost...what I ask of anyone reading this is....
.....what if........this all happened TO YOU?
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