The Celebration of Ignorance: Gangsta Dre K. - G.D. Folk

Sometimes you come across a record that's just SO drenched in ig'nant you can't help but be compelled by it.(yes, I've used ignorant as a NOUN.)

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So, I undexpededly stumbled upon a track titled "G-D Folk" by Gangsta Dre K. Ok...seriously, it's true. And letting the music be what it is, IT'S NOT BAD AT ALL. I've learned sometimes you just have to accept that certain types of music are gonna be what they are. This is hip hop people, not fine classically trained fingers tickling the ivory. Just plain and simple, it's a gangbangin' azz nigga that is rappin bout his nation. And along with the likes of say, PLIES, I found a blissful few minutes after I hit play.

But please believe, it's DEFINITELY IG'NANT.

